Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lots to catch up on!

Well, I don't have time to post everything I need to post. I had 9 friends from college in town this weekend to celebrate my buddy Jimmy's pending nuptials, and there is a lot to discuss. I need to talk about West Side Story which my mom and I saw Wednesday night, plus talk about the Jim Breuer comedy show we saw Saturday at the Waterfront (he was hysterical!).

But the most important news needs to be relayed: I met Olivia Wilde! You probably don't know who she is. She played "Alex" on The OC; the girl who dated Seth, and then Marissa (yes, she was into dudes and chicks). We were at The Shiloh Room on Mt. Washington, sitting on the deck, enjoying the night, when my friend Strong started freaking out. He claimed that Olivia Wilde and Nick Stahl (from Terminator 3, among other things) had just walked in. I went inside to scope it out (since I'm the world's foremost OC fan). I told a disappointed crowd that it wasn't her. He said he was sure it was, so I checked it out again, and sure enough, I was wrong. So Jimmy and I went in and sat at the next table, pondering whether we should talk to them.

I talked to Nick first. There were five people at their table (3 producers were the other three), so he was kind of just sitting there, and I said hey, are you Nick Stahl? He was very friendly. I asked what they were doing in Pittsburgh, and he told me of a movie they were filming up on Mt. Washington called In Northwood (it's on IMDB so it has to be true!). So we talked a bit more; he liked Pittsburgh, went to the Steelers-Eagles preseason game, is a Cowboys fan. I told him that Dallas would be playing in Pittsburgh this season; he immediately told the producer he wanted to go, and the producer said he'd get tickets. So, if at the Cowboys-Steelers game you see a shot of Hollywood star Nick Stahl, you can know I had something to do with it.

Then, I interrupted the conversation that Olivia was having with another producer (I apologized to both of them profusely, but they had been talking for 15 minutes with no pause for me to interrupt, so I figured what the heck). I told her that I was a big fan of hers, especially on the OC, and she laughed and said thanks (seriously, I love The OC; I almost started quoting her lines from the show, like this one: "Yes, I've been kicked out of Corona, Mater Dei, and even Newport Union"--only Jer probably remembers that). We talked some more, I asked if she liked Pittsburgh and she said they had only stayed in Green Tree so she hadn't seen much of the city. Finally, I asked if I could take a picture of her. Her response? "With me!" So, Jimmy took a pic of me and Olivia. I told them that I really hoped they enjoyed our wonderful city and that I would look for the movie in about a year.

It was just so weird because you never see anyone in Pittsburgh (besides the occasional minor Pittsburgh celebrity--I saw Ken Rice on the street the other day, but I didn't care enough to bother him...I mean, it's Ken Rice...). So, it was really neat, and they were really down to earth and eager to talk to us. Definitely a highlight of a fantastic weekend.


datdude said...

LOL @ ken rice being a celebrity

Patty said...

I am so excited for you! Can't wait to hear more.