Monday, November 3, 2008

A Quick Story

This story is in three stages:

1. Maybe 6 weeks ago, our family went to Cleveland to visit Aunt Joyce. She is great and we try to get out there and visit her as often as the 5 of us can get together. It's an easy trip, it's family is a solid endeavor. So, we were going to Cleveland and we took two cars (I can't remember why). Jer, Mom, and I were in my car, and we're driving along, listening to the radio and singing. All of a sudden, a Tom Petty song comes on, with a lot of harmonica parts, and I pulled out my harmonica (out of the glove compartment) and started playing along. For some reason, Mom and Jer lost it, they were laughing very hard.

2. At small group a few weeks later, this story is brought up, and everybody laughs at me. I still don't understand how this is so funny.

3. This weekend, I drove down to Knoxville. Last week I had taken my harmonica out of my car and put it in my pocket to take it into small group. So, I forgot to put it in my car. Then, when I was driving to Knoxville, there were at least 3 times that I reached for the harmonica...only to find that it was not there. Disappointing.

That is all.


Patty said...

Still no endorsement?

L said...

Wait - you took your harmonica to small group? Was this last week, when I missed it? I hope I didn't miss you playing the harmonica!

I'm just joking with you. :-) Hope all is well!

HB said...

Yeah, Josh. You promised to make public ON MONDAY your choice for our next president.

HB said...

You should watch this video before you vote.