Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Resolutions for New Year

So, this year I am making some New Years resolutions so that I can track myself on how successful I do regarding these.

1. Less fast food – I eat too much fast food. It’s unhealthy. I am resolving to eat fast food only once a week, if that. Fast food is defined as anything like Arby’s, Wendy’s, McDonalds, Sonic, etc. I don’t include places like Subway or Jimmy John’s, because otherwise I’d starve during the day at work.

2. No soda – Soda is expensive and bad for you, even when you drink diet soda almost exclusively, as I do. Instead I am drinking tea and water.

3. Working out – I’m currently in the process of looking for some exercise mechanism, like a treadmill or a punching bag. I am going to work out to lose some weight.

4. Hobbies – my new hobby is going to be writing a screenplay. I am going to get a rough draft written this year, with Keith, my writing partner. We have an idea, and I purchased software, so now we have to get going.

5. Church shopping – I am going to find a new church where I am comfortable in the next few months. I am wary of putting a timeline on it, because I don’t want to force myself anywhere. But my church search was lackadaisical in 2008; in 2009 it will be more focused.

6. Time in the Word – I will be spending more time reading the Bible this year. Also, I am going to make a concerted effort to read more books on theology this year. I am going to get into Christian Apologetics this year; it has long been an interest of mine.

These are my resolutions for the new year. Help me stay faithful to these! For example, if we are out to lunch somewhere (Mom), remind me that I don’t drink soda anymore!


Unknown said...

All in all, good resolutions, except you missed #7, which should be "More trips to Maryland to see top ten basketball games."

Josh said...

And I left out #8 as well: "Erase Grace's memory so that she accepts a move to Pittsburgh."

Glad that Wengtime has joined us by posting his thoughts!