Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Favorite Things - Summer Edition

Well, it's time for the initial "Favorite Things" post. Since I've only done these in my head, I need to explain what I am thinking here. These favorite things can be anything about summer. I will describe why each is a favorite in one sentence. Then, I would encourage all of my blogging friends to do the same. Without further ado...

  1. Freshly cut grass - such a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, it looks great, and the smell is distinct and one of a kind
  2. Summer movie season - the days leading up to a big summer movie are filled with anticipation; this was recently seen in the two weeks leading up to The Dark Knight
  3. Baseball - ties in with freshly cut grass; my favorite sport, and nothing beats sitting in the ballpark on a sunny summer evening, even when you are watching the Pirates
  4. Summer mornings - the sun rises early, it's relatively cool out, and it is very tranquil; it's just breathtakingly beautiful
  5. Summer nights - tell me more, tell me more; how much dough did he spend? Seriously though, the moon and stars on a clear summer night; it's one time I wish I had a girlfriend
  6. Summer songs - the inevitable tune that dominates the airwaves because it's the ultimate "driving on a hot summer day with the windows down and systems up" song; any nominations for this summer's song? I say Rihanna's "Disturbia" but I could be persuaded otherwise
  7. HEAT! - I love hot weather; I love to step outside and sweat
  8. Farmer's tan - my arms, face, and the back of my legs tan with the best of them; the rest? not so much. It's feast or famine with my chest, back, neck, etc.
  9. Sandals - I hate wearing shoes; I wish I could wear sandals all year round (in Tennessee, I almost could!)

Well, that's a good list to start. How about you? What are some of your favorite things of summer? Feel free to talk about this in the comments.

Tonight, my mom and I are going to see "Annie Get Your Gun" at the Benedum, the second of our three show series. Look for the review tomorrow.


B.W. said...

i say busted baby is the best song of the summer by farrrrrr

Josh said...

Yuck, I hate that song!

Charissa said...

Honestly I think one reason I like the summer so much is because it leads to favorite season! And this summer I'm not enjoying the heat like I and humid and third trimester pregnancy don't mix too well!

Josh said...

Yeah, that sounds like a bad combination...

I love the fall too. I love all seasons (but winter least) so that's why I wanted to post this stuff.