Friday, August 29, 2008

A Quick Hello

I am writing this from Columbia, MO. This is the most west I've ever been in the central time zone (although I have been to Vancouver and Salt Lake City in the other time zones). I am attending the Missouri Illinois game tomorrow in St. Louis.

Heather, I will give my opinions about the VPs in detail next week, also the DNC and, at that time, the RNC. Quickly though:

Biden - not a great pick; he's a good guy, solid middle class guy with good Catholic values. Not going to really get anyone to vote for Obama but does shore up his foreign policy weakness.

Palin - really a great pick, except for her lack of experience. This is an interesting debate since it's a charge that McCain continuously throws at Obama. I think I'd rather have the inexperience steps away from the Oval Office instead of working in the same place. Plus, she's really attractive.

Overall, I'd say that my chances of voting for McCain went up. I'd say it used to be maybe 65-35 in favor of Obama. Now I'd say maybe 55-45 or even 50-50 but I'm definitely one of the undecided voters. If anyone is interested, I can get into the reasons why I like/don't like both candidates during September and October. Let me know if this would interest you.


WeddObsessed said...

I agree mostly with you! The only comment I have is that Palin is the ONLY one on the ticket with any kind of executive level experience...McCain,Obama and Biden all lack that.

HB said...

I too am an undecided voter. This is the most undecided I've ever been over two presidential nominees. I'm interested in your opinions...

Blake said...

I would also like to hear your opinions on the candidates. Oh yeah, and for the record, the first time I saw Sarah P on the tv, I thought 'wow, she is a really good looking hockey mom.'