Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Revelation at Work!

So, I haven't posted about my job. I've been there for just over 5 months now. It's good, sometimes stressful, sometimes frustrating. I work closely with three other people; the four of us have desks in a room together, and we are the union's "resource center".

So anyway, our workload is directly correlated to the number of people calling. Sometimes it gets slow, so we get to talking about stuff. And yesterday, the one male coworker, Chris, said something that I've been saying for years now. Basically, both of us are sick of this whole "breakfast for dinner" movement. Instead, we want "dinner for breakfast".

I never thought I'd meet someone else who wants this. Ask anyone who knows me well and has gone to IHOP or Eat 'n' Park for breakfast with me. I am just as liable to order a grilled cheese sandwich at 7 am as I am a stack of pancakes.

So this was a bonding moment for Chris and I!

1 comment:

HB said...

Is this on your future wife trait list? Someone who would be willing to cook you dinner for breakfast?